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Date(s) - 05/31/2020
10:45 am - 12:00 pm
Categories No Categories
UBC Safety Guidelines:
- We are offering 4 ways to worship this Sunday to meet everyone’s needs:
- Indoor Worship Center (Mandatory masks. We can provide masks if needed)
- Indoor Annex Room with Facebook Live (Masks are optional)
- In the church parking lot on our FM station (99.7)
- At home with Facebook Live (UBC Private and UBC Public)
- Please keep your children with you while in service.
- Bathrooms will be open and cleaned before and after the Worship Service.
- Please keep a 6-foot distance from others.
- Please remain seated and do not gather in groups outside of your family.
- Use the front door as an entrance and side doors will be designated as exit doors.
- Ushers will show you to your seat and will dismiss you at the conclusion of the service.
- Tithing will be collected on the way out at the end of the service.
- Your Bulletin, Life Card, Pen & Sermon Notes will be given to you in a Ziploc Bag.
- Please be patient while the ushers are seating guests, as we will be lining up outside with a 6-foot space between each family, look for the blue X’s on the ground.
- For your safety and the safety of others, if you feel ill, have pre-existing conditions or are vulnerable to Covid-19, please stay home.